Acoustic Guitar and Voice with Sebatron Proxima

| Nov 7, 2007 | 5,039 Views | Share


Recorded using Pro tools and Digidesign 001 converters. This recording was obtained using two Sebatron Proxima preamp/compressors. Microphones were a Shure SM57 for the acoustic guitar and an Audio Technica AT-4033 condensor for the vocals. Only light compression , less than 10:1 , was applied with slow attack and release to both signals. 'Tight' switch on both Proxima was engaged. No other EQ or Processing was used.


Audio Clips

  • Mix - Combination of the tracks below

  • Acoustic Guitar - SM57 - Sebatron Proxima

  • Male Vocals - Audio Technica AT 4033 - Sebatron


  • I like this recording. The AT-4033 and SM57 work well together here. The Proxima, with the light compression, seems to give these "budget" mics a very high-end sound. I usually prefer a good preamp with a decent mic over a multi-thousand dollar mic through a cheap pre. I assume the "Tight" switch on the Proxima must roll off the lows a little bit, because I didn't hear any rumbly bass problems in either track.
    By rackrecording on Nov 7, 2007 at 4:08 pm

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